Wednesday, April 3, 2013

CCSS standardized testing needs refinement.

Our school just piloted the new Common Core State Standard tests coming next spring. Talk about pressure! Some students were not able to log on, others were kicked out of the test part way through (don't know why), others said it was confusing and frustrating. When trying to change a response, students were kicked back to the beginning of the section to start over. There are a lot of bugs to be worked out yet and the testing components are not quite done. I am concerned about the new test. I like the concept and I believe that the thinking behind the test is on the right track--to develop thinkers instead of automatic bubble fillers, but refinements are in order for this kind of testing. I would like to see more teaching of independent thinkers and reasoners, kids who challenge others' opinions and can express their own opinions with clarity and responsible research to back them up. That, I believe is what education is all about. Question authority, seek answers for yourself, verify your statements and express your opinions in a manner befitting higher level thinking. We all need to work hard on raising the bar for our children and for our nation, but do it with planning and refinements in place before the children, teachers and schools are thrown under the school bus.